Tuesday 13 December 2011

ELP More Babies

  1. What is the population today? 7 billion
  2. Give 3 reasons why population has increased. Every 5 seconds 5 people are being born and 2 people die.3 people die 7 people born so its an increase.
  3. What do you think are the 5 most interesting facts from this video? The most interesting parts are they actually tell you that we don't take much space as we think.

Thursday 8 December 2011

ELP Time Magazine: Population Change

Demography: Deaths

Birth Rate: Babies are being born

Death Rate: The number of people died

Natural Increase: Population Increase

Population Explosion: Baby BOOM !

Tuesday 6 December 2011


My presentation is good enough but I need to be very loud and clear and also need to put in more picture not only just two same pictures every slide.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Presentation SC

- To teach my topic (including the ten question)
-  I will not make my presentation boring
- I will not put to much information
- I will make the presentation interesting
- I will put lots of example in my presentation
- I will put pictures in my presentaion

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Industrial Revolution Crime and Punishment

The crime had change last 200 years because the olden days they want money so they kill people.

Look at Source 1. Read through the document to make sure you understand what it is telling you.
How old was Joseph?
 Joseph is 11 years old

What offense had he committed?
he stole 28 pound of iron

What was his sentence?
his sentence was a month of hard labour

2.Look at Source 2. Read through the document and compare it with the one shown in Source
How old was John?
John is 11 years old
What offense had he committed?
he stole a quarter of gooseberries

What was his sentence?calendar month hard labour and 5 years reformatory

There are two parts to John's sentence. What do you think the Victorians thought was the point of:
Sending the offender to prison? the offender went to prison because he has to learn to work hard when they wanted to
Sending the offender to the Reformatory? the offender went to the reformatory because to change their behavior
3. Look at Source 3. Another form of Victorian punishment was transportation to a penal colony in a different country.
What is the average age of these convicts who are being transported?  the average age of the convicts that are being transported is 15 years old

What are the crimes that most of them have been convicted of? theft by a servant(Hint : Larceny means theft)

How long is the average sentence? 10 years

Do you think they were allowed to come home at the end of their sentence? Yes because I think they have learned their lesson and they know what is good and what is bad.

Which of the following words do you think describes conditions at the penal colony? Explain why.
because the penal colony is a very bad place for punishment.
4. Punishment of crime has a number of aims:
to punish the offender
to reform the offender so they won't do it again
to deter others from committing crimes 
to protect the public.
Which of these aims were being met by these sentences on Victorian young offenders?
to reform the offender so they won’t do it again
5. What would happen to Joseph Lewis and John Greening if they committed the same crimes today?
they would go the penal colony for ever so they won’t do it ever again
What sentences would you pass on Joseph Lewis and John Greening? What are the reasons for your decision?
I would let them get treated badly until they learn their lessons.
We did very well in the game we got 81%

I think there were punished fairly because they wanted to make their workers more discipline and wanted their workers to work hard when they wanted to and also so they won’t do the wrong thing again.

Some of the punishment does not fit the crime because some of them are very bad for the children because they are still young so they can’t do hard labour for days and days.

People commit crime because they want more money and because they don’t have food so they have to steal food to survive. They need to survive because of their children.

The softest was when In 1812 he confessed to the murder of William Horsfall, owner of a cotton factory in which machines were being introduced. He said: 'The evil machines are taking away our jobs. How are we supposed to support our families? He shouldn't have done it.' and I said 14 days of

The hardest was when in 1810 he was convicted of publishing a pamphlet calling for the removal of the King and the setting up of a republic with the French revolutionary slogan 'liberte, egalite, fraternite'. I said to kill him.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Industrial Revolution

 What is the is the industrial revolution was ?
  Industrial- It is change to development in a short space of time, Revolution- Factories getting built where people make things

Why are we Studying it ?
We need to study about this because we can know what happened in london during the 18century till the 20thcentury

Personal Target 
My personal target are that I need to put in more key words and also i need to put in more good information

The Industrial Revolution: Introduction
Could add here recommended videos to watch…

Complete the gaps in this worksheet using the teacher-led powerpoint presentations to help you.

What was the Industrial Revolution? 
 Industrial- It is change to a development in a short space of time, Revolution- Factories getting built where people makes things

Why do we need to study it?
We need to study it because we will know what happened in London during the 18th century till the 20th century

What changed between 1750-1900?

Britain 1750
Britain 1900

Your guess
Actual figure
Millions of people in Britain

How many days it took to travel from London > Edinburgh
10 Days

Percentage of people living in towns
Deaths per 1000 people per year
Percentage of male adults with the vote
Number of universities
Total (lowest score in class wins!)

The Darker Side

What does this picture tell us?
They forced them to work as slaves to they’re master that is called forced labour

Jack The Ripper made London dangerous because he is the first murderer in London
Citizens protesting because they don’t like the government because he is mean and then the government asks guards to kill the citizens
The crowd of people lives in there because in the olden days they don’t really have enough house and also they have no money to pay for the house

How will we study it?
Role Play > Balloon debate, computer simulation.

Industrial Revolution

 What is the is the industrial revolution was ?

 Why are we Studying it ?

Personal Target 

My personal target are that I need to put in more key words and also i need to put in more good information 

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Demographic Transition Model (DTM)

This means Population(Demograpic)
Change (Transition)
Theory (Model)
What happen if the worlds population grows up ?
What if the world's population goes down ?
What is MEDC & LEDC ?
Why do we need to migrate ?

Sunday 11 September 2011

Population Changes

BR - DR = Rate of change in Population
Natural Increase- Increase in human population
Natural Decrease-Decrease in human population